Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tabang Sendong

What a great day! I just donated 1 sack of clothes to the victims of Sendong via Ateneo's OPLAN SENDONG this morning and helped with the sorting and packing. It was its last day of operation and I was able to catch up. I am so proud of myself! There were so many donations from goods, clothes to water. And there were many people who helped. Thank you Lord because you created each one of us with a HEART!

My donation | A sack of clothes
A small amount but will help many :)

The other donations

The Ateneo Community hand-in-hand.

Jemar and me fooling around with the sorted sacks clothes.

We had free lunch from MCDO

The sacks of clothes donated. Whoa! I was surprised to see this awhile ago. This is heartwarming!

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