Monday, January 21, 2013

Saturday Night with Honnies.

011913 Last Saturday with my Honnies
Met up with Chelsea, Patty and the rest at Don Vicente Restaurante Latino. We had dinner and a super long conversation. The first dinner together this year but someone's missing. I so miss them that I declined two invites. (chos!but true)

I love the ambiance at Don Vicente, especially because of my fave blue-painted walls. I like the table set-ups at each table; each table, different set-up but still elegantly looking. Here's some photos I took.
Super classy Table set-up and I love it!.
Our delicious iced-tea. Not your ordinary iced-tea.
Soup anyone? Here's mushroom soup for you!
Fried Chicken.
 Chelsea and Adrian.
 Tan family.
 First time meeting le Bunch. Bunch of Sweetsky!
 My honnies again!
 with chelsea.
and with patty.
 Adrian playing the guitar.

After-party at Tapa Bar.
 Beef Tapa.
 Assorted Finger-foods.
And Buffalo Wings.
Had our after-party at Tapa Bar, Pasonanca with Patty, Klei, Meryl and Jolas. Had a couple of drinks and midnight snacks. I Had a fun night with them. Till next time!

Photos w/o credits are from: Patricia Tan