Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming Year 2013!

Zup? Happy New Me! Oooops! Lemme greet you all a Happy New Year!
Watching the beautiful fireworks display by our neighbors.
We don't have Fireworks because we were scared something bad will happen so we just watched the sky for some. It really made the black sky colorful. I got great photos right? You should agree or else. lols.
 What was prepared.
We got this thing set-upped/displayed at our living room for it is said to bring good luck especially in terms of money the coming year - 2013.
 We also have Fruits and wine at the table. Round Fruits in the basket only also to bring good luck with money. Chamdor is really delicious and I can't wait to eat that junk-fruit.
 My mother made this yummy maja blanca and thought she was a Master Chef that she made a "Happy New Year" letterings out of Queso de Bola.

 What we did.
We, as said above, watched the fireworks, then ate midnight dinner with some of our boarders while having a good new year conversation. At around 1am, they already slept but I stayed awake till 4am. I'm so insomnia-tic.
We had our photo taken by our boarder. You can see the smoky effect because of the fireworks.
 Thanks timer! The whole family. <3>
And Oh! Look! Our dog somewhat likes watching the fireworks!
And that's how we welcome the new year
So, How did you welcome the new year?