Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bipolar I music video sneak peek ☺

What's up guys? :> smug Me? I just got busy with school and completing my cases. I was lucky to have 1 manage case last Thursday in my 3-11 shift at ZDH OR ~^o^~ cheer one last manage case and I'm complete with my cases. Well, enough with that let's get to my short post.

We have this report/presentation for psychopathology tomorrow so we (me and my groupmates) decided to make a music video showing our topic's signs and symptoms and to prepare interactive games B-) cool. So, yesterday we filmed it at school and at our house. Got a couple of pictures of our behind the scenes here and I'll show it to you. ;) winking 

Say "HI" to our sick ghost :-h wave
And to our I-) sleepy mate! AHA!
Preparing our pretty ghost ;) winking
Had a picture with my double. :)) laughing
Oh my! a ghost raising her middle finger to us. :)) laughing
Party look eh :"> blushing

And here's my very difficult scene. Drowning in the bathtub. #:-S whew!
Got 3-4 takes of this! #:-S whew!Oh my! my fats!

Whew! Hope it'll turn out good. :D big grin

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