Hey! Well, it's never too late they say so let me post about my holyweek.
It was a week of fasting and realization for Catholics and we sure did spent it like we used to. Monday to Wednesday were same as usual - duty and chores but Thursday to Sunday were a bit different. Let me tell you what we/I did.
Maundy Thursday
We were assigned to arrange an altar for 'The Way of the Cross' so we put on a portrait of Mama Mary and Jesus (was supposed to be Jesus Christ only but the community only has this as representation nevertheless it was nice and Jesus won't mind) some candles and some plants. We also put on some shade for people who will pray.
Good Friday
Early morning, my family and I joined in 'The Way of the Cross' (procession) from our house (station 3) all the way to San Roque Parish (station 14) It was such a good experience.
In the afternoon, I went on duty (pm shift) we had lots of food c/o Doctor Jamalul for the snacks from Jollibee and Chips and our own no meat meal. They made a pipino salad which was really good and we all loved it.
We also did some mind work! There were no operations and we also finished what we should do for the OR so everyone played 4pics and 1word.
Black Saturday
It was night with my family, we had dinner at Nor Albertos after we visited my little sister at Forest Lake. I had fun joyriding with them around town and wishing for more.
Easter Sunday
When I woke up, I saw this displayed on the bar counter. So cute, my sisters did this and I edited. Happy Easter!
I had an ㏂ shift duty and we had lots of food c/o Doctor Sana from Atoa and too late we already ordered from Jollibee (fave fast food chain eh?)
And at last! Reunited with my bffs from college -Honnies- haggardly drove straight to Wichcraft to see them. Luckily, I catched-up with them in time for a photo-op together but then Rhea will need to keep going coz she'll have to bond with her family because she'll be leaving early the next day back to Manila. I sure do miss them! Next time!
So that was my simple holy week, how's yours?
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